Thursday, February 4, 2010

I keep wanting to update this with photo's from the past few weeks, but I, for whatever reason, can't bring myself to do it yet. I think I'm sick of looking at those photo's. I'll probably upload them eventually, when I haven't been looking at them for the past month. Instead I'll upload some photo's from last weekend. We had 2 grad students from London staying with us here at the house for 2 weeks recently, Simon and Richard. Both really nice guys (and they knew how to cook, and did it quite often! It was really lovely). And the day before they left, they were going on one last excursion with another grad student named Simon and Maura and I tagged along. It was a lot of fun, but then again it usually is when exploring around the Burren.

I also used these photo's in a project from my mixed media class (which by the way, the crit went incredibly well. I was freaking out last night thinking the worst-as usual-and I think it's because CIA has taught me to be that way. I feel like they expect the best of the best, and when it doesn't come through-they rip us to shreds. So it was nice to not have a completely perfect and completely done project, but have the crit still go really well)

Simon and Simon. (Richard is to my left and Maura is to my right.)

Simon looking at the view. (Note: his pants tucked into his socks.)

The Poulnabrone Dolmen (Poll na mBr ón meaning "hole of sarrows") -front view.
(it's a portal tomb, a burial ground of sorts though I think the bodies have all been excavated)

The Poulnabrone Dolmen - side view.

Simon and Simon looking at The Poulnabrone Dolmen

Next stop, the strange field. This was in front of said "strange field" Ever since seeing this place marked on the map, I've wanted to check it out. (It literally says "a strange field" on the map)

But as it turns out, it's not that strange at all.

It's a field of rock and limestone, just like all the other fields in the Burren.
Though I did see a heir bolt away from under a rock.

Leaving to go to the next location. (Rather disappointed I must say)

Next stop: fairy ring forts.

Which turns out to be behind someone's house.
We had to climb over their fence (luckily no one was home)
and walk along the stone wall in order to get to the fort.

The entrance to the fort.

I think Simon may have been pointing at a fox?

The fort- doesn't look like much because it's really just mounds of earth in a circle.
There's quite a few of them around here though. And they're all really breathtaking in person.

Our final stop: Eagle Rock.

The most exciting thing here though was this dead cow Simon (from London) stumbled upon in the wooded area. It was fresh to, picked apart by some pretty hungry animals I'm guessing. How this thing died though, I have no idea. But it was pretty brutal. There was still pools of blood.

Leaving Eagle Rock.


1 comment:

  1. I've been to the strange field. It is a tiny bit strange – some of the stones are massive uprights, six or 7 foot high, and it seems insane that anyone would move these huge pieces around to form a wall just to keep sheep or cows in. It sets your imagination racing. Just what were they trying to contain?
