Thursday, May 20, 2010

it honestly just keeps feeling more and more like a dream every day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I haven't updated this in a long time. since my last post, i've finished my semester at the Burren College of Art. I've sold a print at the end of the semester exhibit (guess that makes me a professional photographer now, hah), I've said goodbye to my new friends as we all went our separate ways (and I miss them a lot), my parents and brother (despite all the road blocks in our way) came to Ireland to visit and we spent a week just being together and exploring/experiencing/and enjoying ireland, We flew back to the states, then I went to Cleveland for a little less than a week, saw some old friends, went to some graduating students BFA reviews, and then came home to North Tonawanda. This past week I've seen some family, hung out with good friends, and have been a lazy piece of shit otherwise (no-really. I haven't done anything productive, sad I know) And minus a few details, that's pretty much it.

Maybe this summer I'll try and come up with a steady blog update schedule so this thing will be used regularly. then again I always say that and then just forget/become lazy/or procrastinate to the point where it's months before i post anything. so i guess we'll just see how it goes.